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Global warming: the final verdict

"A study by the world's leading experts says global warming will happen faster and be more devastating than previously thought."

Category: Climate Change


Doomsday Clock hands move forward 2 minutes

"The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" – a measure of dangers posed to civilisation – moved its hands forward by 2 minutes on Wednesday to reflect what its keepers call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world. "


Care needed with carbon offsets

"Planting forests to combat global warming may be a waste of time, especially if those trees are at high latitudes, new research suggests."

Category: Climate Change


Huge Arctic ice break discovered

"Scientists have discovered that an enormous ice shelf broke off an island in the Canadian Arctic last year, in what could be sign of global warming."

Category: Climate Change


The year the world woke up

"Climate change In 2006, the public, politicians and industry have all shown significant signs that tackling global warming is on the agenda after scientific studies showed the pace of change gathering speed. John Vidal reports."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1171 to 1175 out of 1185